Please Note:
There are plenty of cheap alternatives all over the internet, however, our quality is second to none. Our products are strong, durable and with 20+ years of experience in serving Boxing, Kickboxing, and Muay-Thai both in the UK and Worldwide, we've taken the time to perfect each and every product in our store, ensuring that if something has a MAR logo on it, you can be ensured it will be great quality, completely fit for purpose and designed to be durable.
These Kickboxing, Thai Boxing, Muay Thai and K1 two-coloured Grading Sash are traditionally around the waist to denote a level of skill. Made from Polyester Silk Satin fabric, this Sash is silky smooth, whilst still being easy to tie. 7cm wide, 250/300cm in length.
Made from 100% polyester silk satin
Easy to tie
6cm wide and 300cm length
A: White and black, B: Red and black, C: Yellow and black, D: Orange and black, E: Green and black, F: Blue and black, G: Brown and black, H: Purple and black